American Gadfly

Commentary, Critique, and Insight on Contemporary America

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Slipping life expectancy in America

America is slipping, in its life expectancy. We are now surpassed by Jordan, Guam, and the Cayman Islands in average life expectancy. Why?
The answer is likely multifactorial. The Gadfly would like to point out that American style capitalism has some blame. McDonald's and our low (or even negative) nutritional value but high calorie fast foods, our sedentary lifestyles, supported by television, movies, obesity (inertia), cars and highways over walking/biking to work have all undermined our health.
Also, our health care system likely shares some of the blame. While we make a big deal of health care disparities, the Gadfly would also mention that wealthy people may be getting butchered by their doctors. Doctors taking care of wealthy patients may resort to extra, unnecessary tests or treatments that may in turn be associated with side effects. The Gadfly, for instance, has seen patients aggressively transfused with blood products for minimal anemia, despite clinical data showing worse outcomes in such treated patients. The Gadfly has seen patients undergoing biopsies for insignificant lesions discovered on "wellness" CT scans, only to suffer complications from such biopsies.
The real issue here is that sometimes, it's good to stay away from the doctor. Taking care of your health has a strong component of personal responsibility, not just a health care system's responsibility. Eating right, exercising, avoiding smoking, and drinking only in moderation are the keys to a healthy and long life for the vast majority of people. Of course, medical interventions such as vaccinations and clean drinking water are also critical for health. In an ideal world, only a small minority would otherwise need regular visits to the doctor or medical interventions to ensure a long life.


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