Message to American War Mongers on Tax Day
Today is, for most American citizens who earn money, the day infamously known as Tax Day. The deadline by which we are supposed to file our income taxes with Uncle Sam.
On this occasion, I have a simple message to those ardent supporters of the war in Iraq - open up your checkbooks. Here is an opportunity for you to put your money where your mouth is. Stop complaining about the government and keep feeding the war machine you so enthusiastically support in words and votes.
Today, our federal budget for "defense" spending, or the military industrial complex, has ballooned to over $600 billion dollars.
The war machine needs your help, war mongers and corporate welfare dads. Stop looking for tax loopholes and weaseling out of your contribution to the war on terror. Open up your checkbooks so you can at least place money behind your cheap rhetoric.
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