Gadfly rant against Alberto Gonzales
The Gadfly has, in various posts, railed against Republicans and the current administration. One person in particular is the poster child for everything that's wrong with the GW Bush administration - Alberto Gonzales.
Alberto Gonzales is walking proof that sycophancy is a vile, pathetic way to reach the top.
America needs to be shown by the next president that sycophancy is not a virtue. Where it not for sycophancy, Alberto Gonzales, Condi Rice, and numerous other GW Bush appointees would never be allowed to serve in positions of power again.
Focusing on Alberto's faults - to sum it up, he puts "loyalty" or what the Gadfly would call sycophancy, above service to the country. He would rather please GW Bush than do what's right for the country.
He has shown this over and over again - in trying to secure authorization for secret wiretaps, in defending the handling of enemy combatants, in his political hack work of firing US attorneys for party loyalty reasons. Long before he had a chance to screw up the Justice department, he showed his sycophancy by writing cursory summaries of death row inmates, facilitating more executions in the state of Texas than any other state in history. If GW Bush does not believe in pardons, except for close friends like Lewis Libby, then Gonzales will give him unpardonable offenders.
On a personal level, the Gadfly is also irked that Gonzales and I share a common alma mater, Rice University. I am particularly saddened that Rice University has bestowed honors upon Gonzales, such as giving him a Distinguished Alumnus honor, and inviting him to speak at commencement.
I have no problems having Gonzales speak in a public forum, but a commencement speaker should exemplify values that a university would hope to transfer to its graduates. Gonzales exemplifies little more than the value of sycophancy, in the Gadfly's view.
Rice University should strip him of any honors it has bestowed, and let him live with the shame and dishonor he has brought upon the country, his political party, his alma mater, the state of Texas, and the Justice department, to name a few.
Gadfly rant is over.
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