Gadfly says bye bye to WSJ subscription
I am fortunate enough to inhabit the upper middle class strata in American society. As part of such a socio-economic group, I was also part of the faithful who read the Wall Street Journal.
Not anymore.
I have stood by long enough, reading the ludicrous, vituperative attacks championed on its editorial page.
I can no longer in good conscience continue to provide money and a renewing subscription to an organization that espouses such ridiculous positions.
What kind of examples am I talking about?
How about running editorials from the religious fringe (Dinesh D'Souza), attempting to attack the naturalistic world view of the Brights, yet refusing to publish a scathing rebuttal by Daniel Dennett?
How about running editorials blaming Clinton for the events of 9/11, when it was George W Bush who continued to clear shrub in Crawford instead of pay heed to warnings of bin Laden's imminent attack?
How about running editorials supporting a drug company sponsored free-for-all in prescription drug development, all but emasculating the FDA?
How about embracing the delusional religious radical views of Terry Schiavo's parents, arguing that this poor woman was merely "handicapped" instead of neurologically devastated?
How about embracing the empty arguments of WMDs and terrorist associations of Iraq in order to support the ill fated invasion in 2003?
How about supporting the most disastrous presidency of G W Bush in 2000 and 2004?
I've had enough. I'm putting my money where my principles are - away from the Wall Street Journal. I encourage others to follow suit.
Perhaps the WSJ will hear the message if it hits them in the wallet.
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My free tip!
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