Real Questions for Condi
Condoleezza Rice has some tough questions to face. Unfortunately, no one seems to be willing to ask them. If I had a chance to interview this disgrace of an individual, here are some hard hitting questions I would ask.
1. In the run up to the war in Iraq, you were part of a machine that sought to falsely link Saddam Hussein with Al Qaeda and the Sept. 11th attacks on the U.S. Even at the end of 2005, 41% believed Saddam had strong links to Al Qaeda, and 22% believe Saddam helped plan 9/11. Do you feel at all responsible for establishing these falsehoods in the minds of many Americans? What are your plans for correcting these false opinions?
2. You believe it is too early to judge our actions in Iraq as a colossal mistake. You're willing to let history ultimately decide the wisdom or folly of such an action. Have you thought about the real possibility that history may very well damn you for your decisions?
3. You're a firm believer in democracy. Yet, don't you think democracy is more than allowing free and fair elections? Isn't the election of Hamas among the Palestinians an example of democracy in action, yet an outcome we do not welcome? Don't you agree that an educated populace, with access to information and a strong secular base are ingredients for democracy as well?
4. Who is your boss? Do you work for George W. Bush or the American people? How do you deal with situations where our President's plan is wrong for our country? Have you ever had the spine to stand up for the American people over your political party or President?
5. Do you feel you have reached your position truly on merit, or through sycophancy and stubborn loyalty?
6. Why did you break a long standing precedent in our nation's history and become a partisan campaigner while serving as National Security Advisor in the 2004 presidential election?
7. Why did you ignore the warnings of Al Qaeda attacks before 9/11? Do you really believe someone with your credentials could forget meetings with the CIA director and gloss over Presidential daily briefings warning of impending attacks? Why can't you just apologize for neglecting the warnings?
8. How can the United States ever regain credibility in the world after lying to the world in the run up to the war in Iraq? Do you have a plan to regain the trust and faith of our allies?
9. You worked in academia in the past. You're used to critically evaluating a thesis and looking at evidence in a paper. Why did you not apply any degree of critical thinking to the so-called "evidence" of WMDs in Iraq? Why could you not see the circumstantial and flimsy nature of what was being presented as "facts" of WMD in Iraq?
10. Do you honestly believe that positive spin can produce positive outcomes? Do you believe your rose-colored glasses view of Iraq makes life for the common Iraqi any better?
11. Do you honestly believe the current chaos of Iraq is better than the secular dictatorship of Saddam Hussein? Were there ever any car bombings and such daily, senseless killing under Saddam?
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