Gadfly Bitch Slaps Cheney and NeoCon Traitors
Here it goes again, the rhetoric of Dick Cheney and the Neo-Con traitors. It's amazing that anyone even bothers to pay attention to our Vice President anymore, given his complete dissociation from reality. So many pronouncements from Cheney's mouth have proven so utterly wrong that he seems to serve as a great contrarian sage. Remember the "last throes" comment, for example?
Now, Cheney seems to take the helm at attacking the Democratic leadership in Congress, arguing that plans to scale back or even pull out of Iraq would "validate the al-Qaeda strategy".
Now, does it not strike anyone how amazing it is for Republicans to become spokespersons for Al-Qaeda? Really, it does not surprise me one bit. In fact, if Al-Qaeda could hand out metals for aiding and abetting their cause, Bush and Cheney would be nearly front and center in line for such an award. Bush's incompetence in fighting a relatively unsophisticated opponent has turned Iraq into a turkey shoot for Al-Qaeda and various insurgents against our military.
It is time for America to stop listening to the rhetoric of fear. Fear has been the best friend of the Republicans for the last 5 years since 9/11. It is time that America realizes that our terrorist enemies are not particularly difficult to defeat or thwart, and that the greatest weapon against terrorism is quality intelligence. If we know what our enemy is about to do, we can act against it.
Unfortunately, Bush and Cheney do not care what our enemy is about to do, as evidenced by Bush's colossal indifference to a memo titled "bin Laden determined to attack within the US", months before the 9/11 attacks.
The rhetoric of fear that Republicans hold onto, the rhetoric that the US must somehow remain indefinitely mired in Iraq, sacrificing our men and women in uniform for a worthless cause against punk insurgents who pose no threat to any man, woman, or child on US soil
- this rhetoric must be fought head-on. It is time to squelch the rhetoric of fear, and offer words of wisdom and sanity in this affair. It is time to stop opening our checkbooks and futures to the war mongers. It is time to get out of the quagmire of Iraq, before the insurgents turkey shoot any more of our soldiers. It is time to stand up for real leadership against terrorism.
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