American Gadfly

Commentary, Critique, and Insight on Contemporary America

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pope nearly got a fatwa on his ass

His esteemed holiness, Pope Benedict, is trying to sidestep a big problem. You see, he tried to criticize Islam. From the flurry of protest that followed his speeches denouncing the waging of violent jihad in the name of some god/allah, the Pope has been trying to downplay the implications that Islam is a violent religion.

Too bad the Pope doesn't have any balls to come out and say it like it is. Yes, Islam is a violent religion, especially if you offend the islamist.
Just ask Salman Rushdie. Now there was a liberal not afraid to take a stand against Islam through the pen. His satire and insults against Islam in the Satanic Verses led to violent protests all over the world. Bookstores in the United States were bombed. If we had our eyes open, we would have seen hints of 9/11 foreshadowed in the reaction of muslims against Salman Rushdie.

The problem with the Pope and most other "leaders" in this world today is that they are too steeped in one falsehood to fully criticize the falsehood in another's beliefs.

If the world were taught to read so called "holy" texts critically, I don't think anyone would walk away feeling there is anything "holy" associated with them. The Bible is full of filth, as is the Koran. The Koran is full of violent imagery and black and white statements that denigrate women, non-believers, and democracy. No wonder societies based on the Koran are destined to fail. It should also be no wonder that with such violent imagery, comes violent reactions and preaching. Anyone willing to honestly criticize the Koran better have some good bodyguards or do so anonymously.

Let's see if the Pope can manage to shuffle his way out of the fuming hordes of 1 billion muslims in the world.


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