American Gadfly

Commentary, Critique, and Insight on Contemporary America

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bush's Folly in Iraq

After hearing yesterday's State of the Union address by George W. Bush, one would think he has a clear and successful strategy to win the war on terror and the war in Iraq. Through a reality based lens, however, such faith based distortions become quite clear.
To really succeed in Iraq, we need several things:
First is to attain the moral high ground in this war. To do this, we need to swiftly acknowledge our mistakes and make amends for outrages such as the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal - courtmarshal and bring to justice any military member or Pentagon staffer or executive branch official who helped contribute to such an outcome.
Second is to control the insurgency rather than have the insurgency control us. Currently, we have far too few troops to effectively suppress the insurgency in Iraq. We either need to increase our own troop presence, or ask the world for help in this matter.
Third is to encourage secularism over the Islamic faith. Though President Bush claims that Islam is a "noble faith", the reality is that Islam, and its holy book the Koran, is filled with violent imagery, intolerant ideas, and oppression of women. Anyone can see this for themselves at the Skeptic's Annotated Koran. True freedom cannot take root under the oppression of a backward and intolerant faith.
Fourth is to ensure the safety of the average Iraqi - including offering reliable utilities like electricity and running water, as well as personal security so that no Iraqi has to live in fear of being shot, kidnapped, or blown to bits by a terrorist attack.
Fifth, we need to really go after Al-Qaeda. Our failure to bring Osama Bin Laden and other top Al-Qaeda operatives to justice, years after the 9/11 attacks will remain an inspiration and rallying cry to would-be terrorists throughout the world. When you're trying to kill a snake, you have to crush its head, not try to take out a few scales. A definitive capture or death of Osama and all the other Al-Qaeda leadership would send a clear message to anyone wishing to join this organization or copy its goals. In short, the war on terror is about Osama, stupid!


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