American Gadfly

Commentary, Critique, and Insight on Contemporary America

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A cure for cancer?

Yes, there is a cure for cancer, and we've known about it for some time - it's called quit smoking, don't become obese, don't drink too much, and don't be too sedentary.
Despite the hoopla surrounding the technologic future of medicine, who tout high-tech solutions to diagnosing and treating cancer, so little is focused on the fact that what we do to our bodies plays a significant role in the diseases we develop. Just look at the major causes of death in the US - it's ridiculous how much smoking, drinking, obesity, and inactivity contribute to our morbidity and mortality.
Certainly there are factors besides habits that contribute to cancer risk - genes, and other non-modifyable environmental exposures, but why is the simple message of healthy living ignored?
It seems like we would much rather take high-tech chemotherapy treatment than change our habits to prevent cancer from developing in the first place.
This article highlights that an estimated 10% of cancer could be prevented if there were no obesity.
It seems the toughest pill for us to swallow is the one that forces us to change our habits, even if it is cheaper and more cost effective than almost every other treatment available.


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