American Gadfly

Commentary, Critique, and Insight on Contemporary America

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Quotes to live in infamy from 2005

Here is a compilation of quotes from 2005 that will live in infamy from our executive and legislative leadership.

Do you believe Tom Delay is innocent?
GW Bush "Do I? Yes, I do." Dec 14th, 2005

GW Bush "... and, Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." Sept. 2nd, 2005

Dick Cheney " I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency." May 30th, 2005

Tom DeLay "I have done nothing unlawful, unethical or, I might add, unprecedented," September 28th, 2005

Bill Frist "I mentioned that Terri's brother told me that Terri laughs, smiles, and tries to speak. Doesn't sound like a woman in persistent vegetative state." March 17th, 2005

I wonder what other attacks of foot in mouth disease will occur in our governmental leadership in 2006.


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