The purpose driven athiest
One of the arguments that religious apologists bring out in support of their respective faiths is that religion can bring purpose and meaning to an individual. They attempt to ridicule the scientific view of man's development (not creation) through evolution as being devoid of purpose or meaning, while holding a religious view of creation as endowing the beliver with a sense that a god is looking out for you and has a plan for you.
To those apologists who would argue this, I would give an example of the 9/11 terrorist attackers. These people had purpose, right? They felt god/allah had a plan for them - to attack the United States. One can readily see from this extreme example that religious delusion can reak havoc and destruction upon society. Most people of sanity would reject the idea that the 9/11 terrorists are sitting next to allah in heaven, surrounded by 72 virgins. Why? Why are we able to reject such a ridiculous idea, yet embrace such similar ideas of paths to heaven outlined in the Bible?
The idea that religion may impart meaning and purpose in some people's lives may be correct, to a degree, but one should look at what exact meaning or purpose it is infusing. We should note that not all such purposes are positive in their benefits on humanity or the individual. Another example - the stance of the Catholic church against condom use. This ridiculous notion, perpetuated in sermons throughout HIV ravaged countries in Africa, has led to the spread of HIV/AIDS. The Catholic church, while doing what it believes is God's will, is in fact contributing to millions of AIDS deaths by helping spread HIV by preaching against condom use. How could this in any way be considered just?
On the converse side, athiests are accused of living without purpose. I, as a "devout" athiest, reject such assertion outright. The greatest example I can give to counter such an argument is to look at the elite scientists in our nation. The National Academy of Science, is one of the primier scientific organizations in our country. To be nominated for admission to this elite group requires high achievement in scientific discovery. So, how many of these elite scienists believe in God? Very few. In fact, 93% expressed doubt or flat out rejection of belief in God, and only 7% expressed a personal belief in God. See link to Nature article here. Yet, how much more purposeful a life could one have than being an elite scientist, discovering the hows and whys behind our world?
I'm sorry to say, religious apologists, that athiests can run circles around you in living purposeful and meaningful lives, without having to resort to fantasy beliefs akin to the tooth fairy, santa claus, or other fairy tales of the supernatural. Further, athiests avoid the moral failings that modern religious beliefs produce in the face of illness and injustice in the modern world.
Labels: atheism purpose