American Gadfly

Commentary, Critique, and Insight on Contemporary America

Friday, August 25, 2006

Why is Laura Bush above the law? A view of disparity in our legal system.

We all know that some people are above the law. If you have money, clout, power, you can often get away with nearly anything. Look at OJ's ability to escape any criminal justice for the murder of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. Sure, one could say the LA criminal justice system bungled up a straightforward case, but ultimately, OJ's crack legal team and the money it took to hire them were key factors in his aquittal.
One other person who has gotten off despite killing another person is our very own first lady, Laura Bush. Sure, she exudes a homely demeanor. You'd never think looking at her that she was responsible for the death of anyone. Yet, as a high school student, she ran through a stop sign and plowed into another car, killing a high school classmate of hers. What happened to Laura Bush after this act? Nothing. A traffic ticket? No. Prison time or at least a trial for manslaughter? No. Nothing. Laura Bush was allowed to go on with her life, despite snuffing out the life of a young man.
If a black or hispanic person had run through that stop sign and killed Michael Dutton Douglas , would he be able to walk away without even a ticket?
We need to wake up to the disparities in our criminal justice system. Wake up to the crimes that some are allowed to walk away from, while others are unjustly or severely retributed for. The image of lady justice being blind, fair and equal is a fantasy - today's justice has her eyes open to the money and power weighing down her scales.


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