American Gadfly

Commentary, Critique, and Insight on Contemporary America

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Side by side comparison - Muslim extremist and Christian radicals

Without a doubt, our country has given significant power to Christian radicals like James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and Ralph Reed, to name a few. Our president panders to these religous zealots. Yet we depend upon our president and government to protect us and engage muslim extremists in the war on terror.
And against whom are we fighting the war on terror? Well, the terrorists, of course, and the biggest religous group affiliated with terrorism these days are Islamic fundamentalists.
As an interesting exercise, let's characterize some of the features of Islamic fundamentalists and Christian fundamentalists to see just how similar the religious, radical right is to the terrorist they claim to be fighting.

Taliban/Islamic Fundamentalists Christian Fundamentalists
View their holy books
as the inerrant, literal
word of God/Allah
Believe the rule of God/Allah
supercedes the law of man
Yes Yes
Deny Evolution or other
Scientific Theories that
contadict their religous
holy books
Sex is horrible, Abstinence
is key outside of marriage
Women should not workYesYes
Have lots of babies - it's
God's/Allah's will
Life begins at conception -
ban abortion because it's
Yes Yes
The world is against us -
we are in a battle for
our existance and future
Education should be centered
around our holy texts
Our pastors/mullahs dictate
how we vote and think

I'm sure there are several more identical features of the Taliban and American Christian religous zealots. It boggles the mind that we feel our evangelical Christian president is in any way suited to fight a war on terror against people whom he has so much in common with.


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