American Gadfly

Commentary, Critique, and Insight on Contemporary America

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Oprah & the truth - keep going?

Oprah Winfrey woke up to the fact that the truth matters, in her recent admission of being duped by the sensationalist writer James Frey's less than factual memior, "A Million Little Pieces".
Too bad Oprah hasn't extended her truth defining quest to some other famous books, viewed by billions as factual despite clear evidence to support the falsehoods contained within.
These books I'm referring to, are so-called holy books of organized religion, including the Bible and the Koran.
Wouldn't it be great if Oprah picked the Bible as a book club selection and proceeded to recognize the falsehoods, inconsistencies, and sheer lunacy of the things written in its pages? I won't be holding my breath that her revelation that truth matters will extend itself to the world of religious beliefs and holy books.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Freedom is on the march???

A frequent refrain of George W Bush with respect to the quagmire in Iraq is that "freedom is on the march." While it is easy to tout the historic nature of free and fair elections in a country like Iraq, we need to ask ourselves, who is being elected there? One doesn't have to look very closely at the Iraq election results to see that Iraq is on its way to creating a freely elected theocracy based on Shi'a Islam. The only major secular movement in Iraq is a very distant 3rd place in parliamentary seats.
Is this what George W Bush had in mind when he celebrated the free and fair elections in Iraq? The creation of a new Islamic theocracy in the middle east? Did George W Bush ever think what might happen if the Iraqi people elected their Ayatollahs to public office?
The American people and the world need to realize that freedom, in the Western sense, cannot exist without secularism and liberalism. The day a majority of people in Iraq stop believing in the Koran or at least cease viewing it as the inerrant word of a fantasy God/Allah is the day freedom might take hold in that country. The day someone can stand on the streets of Bagdad and ridicule or satirize the Koran and Islamic beliefs without being stoned to death or threatened with violence is the day freedom can truly take hold in Iraq.
America needs to take heed of its own turn towards religious fundamentalism before we regress from our powerful state into a frightening existence under our own Christian Ayatollahs like Pat Robertson and James Dobson. The Bible is no better than the Koran for running a government.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Quotes to live in infamy from 2005

Here is a compilation of quotes from 2005 that will live in infamy from our executive and legislative leadership.

Do you believe Tom Delay is innocent?
GW Bush "Do I? Yes, I do." Dec 14th, 2005

GW Bush "... and, Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." Sept. 2nd, 2005

Dick Cheney " I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency." May 30th, 2005

Tom DeLay "I have done nothing unlawful, unethical or, I might add, unprecedented," September 28th, 2005

Bill Frist "I mentioned that Terri's brother told me that Terri laughs, smiles, and tries to speak. Doesn't sound like a woman in persistent vegetative state." March 17th, 2005

I wonder what other attacks of foot in mouth disease will occur in our governmental leadership in 2006.