Racism and the modern Republican Party
For anyone harboring doubts about the existance of racism against blacks in the modern day Republican party - look to the recent U.S. Senate resolution apologizing for the legacy of lynching in the United States. All but 11 Senators signed on to this resolution, passed by a cowardly voice vote instead of a roll call vote by majority leader Bill Frist. Guess what party affiliation these esteemed 11 Senators carry - Senators who don't see the need to apologize for the tragedy of lynching in this country?
With the recent manslaughter conviction of Edgar Ray Killen in Philadelphia, Mississippi, we should not forget that this very city was also the place where the esteemed Republican president, Ronald Regan, began his presidential campaign. Without a word of sorrow for the murders of civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner in that very city, Regan instead blew the dog whistle message of "states rights" - a thinly veiled guise for southern white's rights and continued black oppression.
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